About us
We are an international company based in the East of Lyon (France). ORTHOPOWDERS is specialized in the design, the manufacturing and distribution of biopowders dedicated to the medical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical sectors.
Our team of experts in the field, is committed to:
• Support its partners in the process of integrating our materials into their products.
• Provide products in accordance with requirements of international standards
• Meet the requirements and specifications of its customers.

More than just a supplier, ORTHOPOWDERS wishes to use the experience and knowledge of its team to support their customers with powders or consulting services as much as necessary to improve their products.

Fully aware of the need to track and control the manufacturing processes but also to provide guarantees related to these requirements, ORTHOPOWDERS is ISO13485 :2016 certified for its two operating sites.
The batch release is following inspections and testings carried out by third parties accredited laboratories.

Calcium phosphates
Close to the natural composition of the bone, calcium phosphate powders (hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate, …etc) have been used for many years for bone implants. They are also used for cosmetic or bio-science applications (protein filtration, excipients, additives).
A review of your specifications will allow us to know how we can meet your needs. We offer different basic powder grades.
We know how to precisely adapt the manufacturing parameters in order to control:
– grain sizes and shape
– grain composition (mix of several cristaline phases is possible)
– the content of some trace elements in order to provide additional properties to your products
Our powders meet the requirements defined in the following standards: ISO 13779-6, ASTM F1185, Eur. Ph., U.S.P

Made from the HDH process, a wide range of powder is offered. We know how to precisely adapt the manufacturing parameters in order to control the composition, sizes and shapes of the grains.
These powders are suitable for the manufacturing of plasma coatings or for the manufacturing of 3D printed products
They meet the technical requirements defined in the following international standards: ASTM F1580 and ISO 13179-1
Much more than a simple supplier, ORTHOPOWDERS offers its partners the possibility to identify possible improvements (process improvement, validation process, savings on production costs…etc.) for plasma spraying or 3D printing processes.
During a full consulting service on your production sites, our experts can identify some opportunities for improvement and can also follow up on the implementation of the action plans.

If you’re interested in our services, fill out the form below with your contact details and your inquiry. We will contact you back very soon.
Orthopowders France
Bâtiment 56
401, Rue Le Chatelier – 38090 Vaulx-Milieu
Phone: +33 (0)681 360 328